In 2004, Akashic Books launched a groundbreaking series of original noir anthologies, starting with the award-winning best-seller Brooklyn Noir. Each book is comprised of new stories, each one set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the city of the book.
In this chilling portrait of America’s Sin City, lady luck is just as likely to dispense cold hard cash as a cold-hearted killing.
Brand-new stories by: John O’Brien, David Corbett, Scott Phillips, Nora Pierce, Tod Goldberg, Bliss Esposito, Felicia Campbell, Jaq Greenspon, Jose Skinner, Pablo Medina, Christine McKellar, Lori Kozlowski, Vu Tran, Celeste Starr, Preston L. Allen, and Janet Berliner. — See below for full table of contents.
Las Vegas provides the classic sophistication and darkness necessary for a deadly noir story. Stylish, sultry, brimming with ambition and greed, the characters that populate this literary Las Vegas are pushed to the extremes of human experience. From the neon glitter of the Strip to the treacherous views of Red Rock Canyon and Boulder City, from the desperation of Naked City to the racial tensions of the Westside, no other location offers so many different avenues leading to serious trouble.
Many legendary authors have turned their attention to Vegas to investigate the city’s moods and mysteries. Now, the most recent crop of acclaimed writers explore the secret neighborhoods and byways of America’s most sinful city, offering readers not only compelling noir tales but also an insider’s understanding of this steamy oasis. These authors take readers beneath the surface flash of Freemont Street and the Strip and into the gritty multicultural environs of underground Vegas.
Table of Contents
Part I: Sin City
“The Tik” by John O’Brien (Scotch 80s) — Narrator: Darla Middlebrook
“Pretty Little Parasite” by David Corbett (Fremont) — Narrator: Arielle Lipshaw
“Mitzhav” by Tod Goldberg (Summerlin) — Narrator: Mike Vendetti
“Babs” by Scott Phillips (Naked City) — Narrator: Charles Bice
“This or Any Desert” by Vu Tran (Chinatown) — Narrator: Mike Vendetti
Part II: Neon Grit
“Benny Rojas and the Rough Riders” by Pablo Medina (West Las Vegas) — Narrator: Mike Vendetti
“Bits and Pieces” by Christine McKellar (Green Valley) — Narrator: Lee Ann Howlett
“Crip” by Preston L. Allen (Nellis) — Narrator: Darla Middlebrook
“Three Times a Night, Every Other Night” by Lori Kozlowski (North Las Vegas) — Narrator: Arielle Lipshaw
“Disappear” by Jaq Greenspon (Sunset Park) — Narrator: Charles Bice
“All About Balls” by Jose Skinner (East Las Vegas) — Narrator: Mike Vendetti
Part III: Tales from the Outskirts
“Atomic City” by Nora Pierce (Test Site) — Narrator: Charles Bice
“Dirty Blood” by Celeste Starr (Pahrump) — Narrator: Darla Middlebrook
“Guns Don’t Kill People” by Bliss Esposito (Centennial Hills) — Narrator: Diane Havens
“Murder Is Academic” by Felicia Campbell (Mount Charleston) — Narrator: Denice Stradling
“The Road to Rachel” by Janet Berliner (Area 51) — Narrator: Kenneth Campbell