We’ll be releasing our new crime collection next week, with eight wonderful books: All or Nothing, by Preston L. Allen (Akashic), Death of a Nationalist by Rebecca Pawel (Soho), Fade to Blonde by Max Phillips (Hard Case Crime), Getting Sassy by DC Brod (Tyrus), High Season by Jon Loomis (Minotaur), Suicide Casanova by Arthur Neresian (Akashic), The Tattoo Murder Case by Akimitsu Takagi (Soho), and Witness to Myself, by Seymour Shubin (Hard Case Crime).
They are all wonderful, and just looking at the covers, designed by Christine Prefontaine, makes me pretty excited. Christine designed our cover templates, and in cases where we had rights to use the existing cover art, we did so, mostly. Sometimes, though, the existing art can’t be adapted – for design reasons or rights reasons, and in those cases we find creative commons licensed photos on Flickr, and then build our covers around a new image. In any case, here they are. Lovely, no?
You can sign up to our mailing list (see the right sidebar) to get the announcement when the books come out, next week.