Need a fresh topic for spirited stimulating conversation with a would-be suitor? Want to take a pencil sharpener to your brain, laugh until you make yourself snort, take a trip to the darkest of places, or marvel over the magic of the sentence? Our latest Literary Fiction collection contains three wildly diverse but equally brilliant short story collections, along with an uncompromising look at modern academia and a masterpiece of English literature. As always, any title is just $6.99, or the entire collection can be yours for $24.99.
Fight for Your Long Day by Alex Kudera. Narrated by Mark F. Smith. Published in print by Atticus Books.
“Alex Kudera’s novel makes lemonade out of the knowledge economy’s stingy share of lemons, eking every ounce of catharsis owed to veterans of the core curriculum’s front lines.” — Justin Bauer, books columnist, Philadelphia City Paper
From Dark Places by E.J. Newman. Narrated by Emma Newman. Published in print by eMergent Publishing.
“Every tale in this collection is delightful, spooky, creepy. Emma Newman is a master at saying just enough to make your own imagination give you goosebumps, and her characters are clear and well-defined.” — Gracie Motley
Someday This Will be Funny by Lynne Tillman. Published in print by Cursor/Red Lemonade. Narrated by Lee Ann Howlett.
“Tillman’s fictions tend to be (to steal a line from one of her stories) as “outrageously ineffable, obdurate and evasive” as the forms of desire they describe. Gorgeously at ease and technically virtuosic, the stories are ever on point — on point, that is, if the point of your reading has more to do with psychological nuance and bravura performances of language than with conventional story lines.” – Forrest Gander, The New York Times
Squishy: Short Stories by Arjun Basu. Narrated by Bruce Pirie. Published in print by DC Books.
“Squishy shines not only as entertainment, but also as an illuminating literary work. In revealing human pretensions and the mechanisms of chance that govern our fates, Basu reminds us to treat each other with more compassion, and to take ourselves a little less seriously.” — Montreal Review of Books
The Good Soldier by Ford Madox Ford. Narrated by Robert Keiper.
“The Good Soldier is an odd and maybe even unique book. That it is a masterpiece, almost a perfect novel, comes as a repeated surprise even to readers who have read it before. […] Ford wrote other very good novels – his tetralogy Parade’s End is moving and innovative – but he called The Good Soldier his “auk’s egg” (“having reached the allotted, I had laid my one egg and might as well die”); it does have the quality of saying absolutely everything about both his story and his theme – not just everything he has to say, but everything there is to say.” — Jane Smiley,