Our newest literary fiction collection is sure to provide your ears with a much-needed break from the endless throes of holiday jingles they’ve been exposed to lately. Enjoy a tale of two sisters involved in an imaginative new style of performance art; a classic exploration of sexual politics; a hilarious story of self-discovery by way of an orange couch; the first in a thrilling series chronicling a hundred years of Canada’s history; and a biting, heartfelt commentary on the nature of the workplace. As always, these audio gems can be yours for $6.99 each, or you can pick up the entire collection for only $24.99.
Is your wallet still closed? Okay. Through the end of January 2012, enter listen-more at checkout for an extra 25% off all orders. Here’s what’s for grabs:
The Bee-Loud Glade by Steve Himmer. Narrated by Mark F. Smith. Published in print by Atticus Books.
“An allegorical novel that seems eerily contemporary. Thoreau meets Ballard, meets Huysmans and many more.” — Tom McCarthy, author of Remainder and C
Couch by Benjamin Parzybok. Narrated by Gregg Margarite. Published in print by Small Beer Press.
“Delightfully lighthearted writing… Occasionally laugh-out-loud funny, the enthusiastic prose carries readers through sporadic dark moments… Parzybok’s quirky humor recalls the flaws and successes of early Douglas Adams.” — Publishers Weekly
The Deserter by Paul Almond. Narrated by Paul Almond. Published in print by McArthur and Company.
“The Deserter is the kind of book you need to give to anyone in your life who can’t stand reading. In fact, every school should have a stack of these in the library. This is history with a beating heart — not to mention a man o’war, redcoats, native people, lumberjacks and more than a few bears.” – Carole’s Book Talk
The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy. Narrated by Tadhg Hynes.
“This is the quality Hardy shares with the great writers…this setting behind the small action the terrific action of unfathomed nature.” — D.H. Lawrence
Sleight by Kirsten Kaschock. Narrated by Adam Verner. Published in print by Coffee House Press.
“Kaschock’s work stands out for the originality of its concepts, narrative structure, and, particularly, language, as the author redefines words in relation to her art and boldly breaks from traditional grammatical constructions. Kaschock’s intimate knowledge of dance is an asset, helping her bring the sleight performers vividly to life. . . . Sleight is to the traditional fiction narrative what alternative music is to mainstream pop. Readers who enjoy the challenge of an innovative, unconventional style will take pleasure in this selection.” — Library Journal